
lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018


Beale Street is dead, and Elvis Presley is dead. A history race forward and replaces the sounds of one era with those of another, but the memories remain. The spirit of the people remains, and the sounds which they created will a part of our musical heritage for as long as there are those who care.  Memphis, I guess, was a very interesting city. I was never there in the days of Beale street fames, but I wish I had been because even the ruins of the once-famous street are exciting. I also wish I had attended an Elvis Presley concert but I was just a boy when the King passed away.  Anyway, there is a lesson to be learnt by all; his dedication and love for the music. Elvis poured everything into the performance. It was just sublime.  I was late for Mr. Presley, but I have attended some of the best concerts in the history of music; Queen and Michael Jackson in Marbella, Rolling Stones at the old Wembley stadium and James Brown at the Malagueta ring bull.

I totally agree with Bob Geldof- it’s the only way I shared his thoughts on something- when he said: “Queen knew that live aid was all about he handed them the stage and the rest is history”. Freddie, like in all his concerts, had the crowd in the palm of his hand. I heard somebody saying that they were stealing the show and they did. Without any doubt, Queen was the band of the day and there will never be another band like Queen and there will never be another singer like Freddie Mercury. They electrified every concert; ¡What a hunk!! What a voice! If anyone knows something better I would love to see it. Go to YouTube and look for yourself; look how he is playing with the audience. That’s a real connection. Artist these days don´t do this anymore. They don’t have the charisma not the talent. Nowadays they go to Justin Bieber. A bimbo with no brain.  Freddie was right; “A concert is not a live rendition of our album. It´s a theatrical event”.  He also knew he was a Rock star and now it seems that everyone agree with him. But I disagree because he, like Elvis, is not just a Rock and Roll star; he is a fucking legend and I wish he could come back from the other side and perform again.  I can´t help imagining the reactions of the snowflake generation.This last thought put a big smile on my face.

¡ Thanks again Freddie!

Sergio Calle Llorens

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018


Ghost stories have been told all over the world since ancient times.  Such tales to tell on a cold dark night whilst sat around an open campfire, maybe you believe them, maybe you don´t, but regardless of your thoughts on the matter, whether real or not, these stories are no less chilling. Here are some creepy examples:

It occurred some years ago. A man called Lucas resided in the north of Malaga, while his friend, a former classmate Mr. Gomez, lived in Toledo.  This friendship led them to visit each other`s house from time to time, but for Lucas there was a deep shadow of sorrow over these otherwise happy moments, for, while he enjoyed the most enlightened religious opinions, his friend was an unbeliever. The last time they were together, Mr. Gomez said; “My dear friend, let us solemnly promise that whichever of us die first shall appear to the other after death, if is be possible”. “Let it be so, if God will”, replied Lucas. One morning some time after, about three o´clock, the latter was awakened by a brilliant light in his bedroom; he imagined that the house must be on fire, when he felt what seemed to be a hand laid on him, and heard his friend´s voice say distinctly, “there is a God, just but terrible in His judgements”, and all again was dark. Lucas at once wrote down his remarkable experience. Two hours later he received a phone call announcing Mr. Gomez`s death on the hour that he had seen the light on his room.

In a boarding school in Campillos several years ago two of the boarders were sleeping in a large bedroom with two doors. About one o´clock in the morning the girls were awaken by the entrance of a tall figure in clerical attire, the face of which they did not see. They screaming in fright, but the figure moved in a slow and stately manner past their bed and out the other door. It also appeared other students, and seemed to be looking for someone. At length it reached the bed of ne who was evidently known to it. The girl woke up and recognized her uncle. He did not speak, but gazed for a few moments at his niece, and then vanished. Next morning a message was handed to her, which communicated the sad news that her uncle had died on the previous evening at the hour when he appeared to her.

My last story happened a long hell time ago near Antequera; Juan Garcia attested the apparition of a headless coach. The story was told by his grandson to their respective children who told it to me. They had sent for the Doctor, and were waiting his arrival in the dusk. As they sat on the steps they suddenly heard a heavy rumbling, and saw a huge dark coach drive into the paved court before the door. One of them went down to meet the Doctor, but the coach swept past him, and drove down the street, which went straight between the fences and hedges to a gate. Two of the young man run after the coach, which they could hear rumbling before them, and suddenly came full tilt against the street gate. The noise had stopped, and they were surprised at not finding the carriage. The gate proved to be locked, and when they at last awoke the lodge-keeper he showed them the keys under his pillow. The Doctor arrived a little later, but could do nothing, and the sick died a few hours afterwards.
Apparently the headless coaches must be distinguished from the phantom vehicles, of which numerous tales are also told. The first are harbingers of death, and in this connection are very often attached to certain families; the later appear to be spectral phenomena pure and simple, whose appearances does not necessary bring death or evil.

In closing, these strange occurrences, true or not, are to be told and retold till the end of time. Partly because who doesn´t love sitting around the campfire, enthralled in a chilling story, waiting on the edge of your seat to hear what happens next? I do and it´s not a Halloween thing, either. Spooky stories are great at any time of the year. Don´t you think?

Sergio Calle Llorens

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018


Jugar la Liga Adelante es, a pesar de su rimbombante título, un paso atrás. Eso no resta felicidad a los malaguistas de todo el mundo, encantados de  ver al club de nuestros amores liderando la Segunda División que, para muchos, es la mejor del viejo continente. No obstante, al equipo que dirige Muñiz se le achaca que nunca domina la posesión de la pelota  lo que, bien mirado, es cierto. Incluso el Córdoba C.F- probablemente el peor equipo de la competición en estos momentos- controló ese apartado del juego pero terminó llevándose una goleada en su última visita a la Rosaleda.

 Los más jóvenes ya no se acordarán pero hubo  un tiempo, probablemente mucho más triste, en el que se jugaba al balompié con tres centrales- a uno de ellos le llamaban líbero-  dos carrileros y un medio defensivo.  Entonces llegó Johan Cruyff y lo cambió todo demostrando que el arte no está reñido con la eficacia. Su apuesta fue jugar con tres defensas, cuatro centrocampistas y dos extremos muy abiertos.  Era, y creo que todavía lo sigue siendo, el modelo Barça que luego perfeccionó Guardiola y que para muchos, entre los que me incluyo, debe ser la única salida en tiempos de crisis. Aquel modelo, la envidia de todo el planeta futbolístico,  hizo campeonar a la selección española y al F.C Barcelona. La roja fue la primera en encadenar de una misma tacada, y por este orden,  Eurocopa, Mundial, Eurocopa. Y el Barça es el único club del mundo que ha ganado dos tripletes en la historia.

Para un aficionado al deporte rey no totalmente cretinizado por la prensa de la Capital del Reino, la posesión es crucial para ganar partidos. Pero no entienden que el rondo es la biblia del juego de posesión cuyo objetivo  es el de descolocar al rival para cansarlo y meterle, indefectiblemente, más goles. Dicho de otra manera, de nada sirve tener la pelota todo el tiempo en tu propio campo, o echar  balones atrás constantemente como si fueras el mediocre Real Jaén.

 El Málaga C.F también sueña con la posesión como McArthur con las Filipinas pero, faltaría más, el sueño se hace realidad en campo contrario para hacer daño a los rivales y ganar los partidos.  Los blanquiazules funcionan como un reloj suizo en el que cambian las piezas pero no el mecanismo letal de disponer del esférico en el espacio justo. Como el norteamericano  desembarcando en Leyte, los malaguistas también volveremos a pisar la “tierra prometida” bajo el mando del Capitán Muñiz. Su apuesta es la correcta. 

La posesión mal entendida me recuerda aquella frase de Moliére: “¿Qué verdad es esta, que encierran estas montañas y se convierten en mentira en el mundo exterior?” Y es que es una patraña que el dominio constante de la pelota lleve a la victoria. Una obsesión que tiene un peso de gravitación sentimental por un pretérito lleno de gloria.  Todos estos contadores de nubes deberían dejar paso a un análisis más profundo del juego. Tal vez así entenderían que la posesión eficaz de la pelota es la llave que abre todas las puertas rivales.  Y en acabando este artículo me percato de que muchos comienzan a cerrarme las suyas por los que aquí les dejo escrito.  Después de todo, el fútbol va, como todo lo demás, de tener la posesión de la verdad que es un balón al que todos queremos dominar.

Sergio Calle Llorens